Miguel Mar

Comic Book Artist


Tampico, Mexico

Drink a whole barrel of Heineken and keep the walk straight and never bang into the walls so called the "lord of the beers"

Favourite movie:
Clerks & Mad Max.

Favourite genre of music:
Rock & heavy Metal.

Favourite artist:
Mel Gibson, Charlie Sheen, Robert de Niro, Denzel Washintong and Jim Carrey.

Comic book artist he has participated in numerous events related to the comic book and graphic novel, his main target is in the freelance field as an illustrator and graphic designer, he also enjoy painting and writing, his most important achievements are his participation with the magazines "Mundo Perro", "Desde la tercera cuerda", "Revista Cuass" and "Ojo de Pez".

As a writer has participated in "antologias", "Perros Melancolicos" & "El tren de la melancolia" published by La Cofradia de los Coyotes, and
cover artist and colourist for "Twelve comics" from NJ his passion for the collective of the art is also another achievement.

In 2012 develops along Pablo Violante Hurricane a detective comic based in the story of Martuk a policeman-detective in the search of the culpable of a terrible murder that will change the path of the whole city. in collaboration with Alfonso Espinos, Miguel has become more confident in the development of his artists skills.

Contact Miguel Mar at: miguel.mar@studiocomix.com